Sailing on a Lunchtime Adventure

The Adventuress_mast and sailOne sunny day I got word from a coworker that a tall sailing ship was docked at our local marina. The best part? They were offering free tours to the public. I decided it was time for an adventure! I grabbed a buddy and a quick five-minute drive took us to a ship called the Adventuress. It was awesome to be able to board the ship, talk to the crew, take lots of photos, and enjoy the view. The picture on the right shows the towering mast and its lowered sail. Similar photos can be taken by visiting your local marina. Not only will you be able to get out and enjoy the sunshine, but will also have a new addition to decorate your space!

The Forest in the Tree

Forest on treeOne sunny day I was walking underneath a large, old tree and noticed something interesting on one of the branches. As seen on the right, it looks like a mini forest! The combination of the bright green fern with sun streaming through its leaves, the mountainous landscape of the branch, and white flowers in the background make this an awesome shot. You can shoot a similar picture by checking out your local old growth trees. They may be hard to find depending on where you live, but if you explore a state park or area that features historic buildings, you’ll have a better chance of finding what you want. Now is the perfect time to snap pictures you can use to update your space. Whether hung on a wall or simply used for inspiration, you can snap a beautiful picture to usher in Spring!

Sunset Over the City

Sunset over city_pink skyThere’s nothing like looking out the window and seeing a beautiful sunset! As seen above, I was able to get a gorgeous shot of the sky as the sun was setting. I love how it was lit up in various shades of pink, the clouds looking like waves. The columned building, along with maple and pine trees gives added depth to this shot. The best part? If you look towards the bottom of the picture, you’ll notice the twinkling of city lights! This is a great time of year to take photos of beautiful sunsets. You can prominently display one on a wall, or create a collection of photos to decorate several areas in your space. No matter what you choose, you can bring a beautiful Spring sky into your home!

The Snowcapped Mountain Backdrop

Snowcapped mountains in distanceLooking in the distance on a warm spring day, I was struck by how much snow was still on the mountains. I like the contrast of the snowcapped peaks on a warm, sunny day-so I decided to snap this photo! The cool shades of blue, pops of white, and earth tones make this picture the perfect trifecta! This is the perfect time of year to snap a similar photo of your very own. Once you snap your picture, all that’s left is to figure out where to display it. Depending on the size you choose, you could put it on a shelf, display it in a living room, or use it to add a bit of color to a hallway. No matter how you decide to display it, you can create a custom piece of art that will look great in any of your spaces!